Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium Members in Eastern Canada Benefit from SR&ED Seminars

Earlier this month, Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) members from Atlantic Canada (South Shore, Halifax, Truro and Amherst/Springhill) all benefited from the opportunity to network and learn about the latest on the SR&ED program. Through a series of SR&ED seminars, EMC’s Ross Cooper and representatives from Northbridge Consulting, including Pierre Pinet, spoke specifically on the topic of SR&ED claim reviews.

Pierre spoke about the changes to the SR&ED program made in the last federal budget, and he detailed the steps members needed to take when undergoing a CRA SR&ED claim review. Third-party support for the SR&ED program was a lengthy topic of discussion. Although a small percentage of members were able to file SR&ED claims successfully themselves, many admitted that they sought assistance with their claims and SR&ED processes.

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