Russ Roberts, CATA’s Senior Vice President for Tax, Finance and Advocacy recently submitted CATA’s position on contingency fees in regards to the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program. In his letter, Roberts stated that the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) believes that contingency relationships are crucial to the success of the SR&ED program.
Roberts addressed the letter to Geoff Trueman, Director, Business Income Tax, Finance Canada, which was copied to Sue Betts, Director General, Scientific Research and Experimental Development Directorate, CRA.
“In response to the announcement of the consultations, CATA undertook discussions of the pros and cons of contingency relationships with interested individuals and in our Linked In SR&ED Group. We believe that it is important you hear directly from these parties why the contingency relationships are critical to the success of the SR&ED program. Their examples are very telling. As a result, we have encouraged all in the CATA SR&ED family to provide their input directly to you…”